
Future Worlding for Service Design

Sandjar Kozubæv
InReality, USA

Chris Livaudais
InReality, USA

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Ingår i: ServDes.2014 Service Future; Proceedings of the fourth Service Design and Service Innovation Conference; Lancaster University; United Kingdom; 9-11 April 2014

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 99:55, s. 472-474

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Publicerad: 2014-06-25

ISBN: 978-91-7519-280-2

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


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Candy; S. Dator; J.; Dunagan; J. (2006) Four Futures for Hawaii 2050; Hawaii Research Center for Future Studies; Department of Policical Scicence; University of Hwaii.

Inayatullah; S. (2007) Six Pillars of the Future Foresight VOL. 10 NO. 1 2008; pp. 4-21.

Haldenby; T (2013) Bringing The Future to Life: Pervasive Transmedia Scenarios and the World of Worlding. Master of Design Thesis; OCAD University; Canada.

Ogilvy; J.; Schwartz; P. (1998) Plotting Your Scenarios; Global Business Network.

Stickdorn; S.; Schneider; J.; (2011) This is Service Design Thinking: Basics; Tools; Cases; New Jersey: Wiley & Sons; Inc.

Polane; A.; Lovile; L.; Reason; B.; (2013) Service Design: From Insight to Implementation; New York: Rosenfeld Media LLC.

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