Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 60 (2010)
Redaktör(er): Holmlid; Stefan ; Nisula; Janne-Valtteri ; Clatworthy; Simon
Publicerad: 2012-09-20
ISBN: 978-91-7519-770-8
ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)
Antal sidor: 160
1 Service Prototyping According to Service Design PractitionersBlomkvist; Johan ; Holmlid; Stefan
2 Creating Scenarios for Regional Projects: Service design for multifunctional and collaborative food networksCantù; Daria ;
3 Service innovation through touch-points: the AT-ONE touch-point cardsClatworthy; Simon
4 Service Design and Healthcare Innovation: fr0m consumption to co-production and co-creationFreire; Karine ; Sangiorgi; Daniela
5 Characteristics of value co-creation in a learning environment by service design and service-dominant logic frameworksHaukkamaa; Jussi ; Yliräisänen-Seppänen; Pia ; Timonen; Eija
6 Transformative Services and Transformation DesignSangiorgi; Daniela
7 Spicing up public journeys - Storytelling as a design strategyViña; Sandra ; Mattelmäki; Tuuli
8 The concept of value in design practice - an interview studyWetter Edman; Katarina
9 Ten Strategy Paradoxes in Service Innovation and DesignBau; Robert
10 Exploring networked innovation; Results of an exploration and the setup of an empirical studyBergema; Katinka ; Valkenburg; Rianne ; Kleinsmann; Maaike ; de Bont; Cees
11 The design value of businessHolmlid; Stefan
12 Adapting service design tools to facilitate interdisciplinary research collaborationsTeal; G. ; Macdonald; A. S. ; Moynihan; P. J.
13 SVID CITY MOVEEva-Karin Anderman; Claes Frössén
14 Case: Hälsokollen. Design methods for creating services that supports longterm behavioural changeAnkerblad; Elin ; Norelius; Marianne
15 Case: Innovating implementation and design of services within the public sectorBailey; Stuart G
16 Service Design: social innovation is our motivationDrummond; Sarah ; Currie; Lauren
17 Towards a practical application of innovation theory for financial services firms - a quick step from academy to toolingFreij; Åke
18 Health and social care services for people with complex needs: The importance of context in the design processHempe; Eva-Maria ; Dickerson; Terry ; Clarkson; P John
19 Service Design for tourism SMEs - The concept of service design and its application on the Alpine Zoo in Innsbruck; AustriaStickdorn; Marc ; Zehrer; Anita
20 Plan; Design; Explore and Reflect - Customer relevance in bank services through action researchWidmark; Erik
21 Alternate reality games and participatory storytelling beyond entertainment: new and more effective ways of triggering and creating communitiesZamarato; Marco
22 Service Design Research: Which direction do we want it to take?Blomkvist; Johan ; Holmlid; Stefan ; Segelström; Fabian
23 Workshop: Service design for social innovation: a strategic approach to strengths and weaknessesEmilson; Anders ; Seravalli; Anna
24 Service Architecture Review MethodField; Simon